The Answers:
a. It is the training method by which we teach the technique first and then the tactics
b. It is the training method by which we teach technique and tactics at the same time
c. It is the training method by which, first we let the three players play the game and then we help them to play better
d. It is the training method by which we first let the three players play the game and discover the technique on their own
2. To the question how the Game-Centered Method could be translated for tennis, you would answer:
a. Play tennis
b. Tennis for all
c. Try to play tennis
d. serve- rally and score
3. Good Basic Technique is important for new players:
a. because it allows them to play the game properly
b. because it teaches them the rules
c. because it teaches them competition
d. because it serves the coaching process
4. Which of the following does not contain the good basic Technique:
a. Timely preparation
b. Fixed contact points
c. Good physical condition
d. Good balance
e. Avoid extreme handles
5. Tennis is a game of tactics…. Which of the following is not a basic single game tactic:
a. Move opponent
b. Fixed contact points
c. Maintaining a good position on the field
d. Use of weapons
e. Exploitation of the opponent's weaknesses
6. Which of the following is not a competitive situation for a simple match, for new players:
a. Service and reception
b. Play all over the field
c. Game on the baseline
d. Play in the net, pass and lob
7. The game-centered method is related to players playing the game… Which of the following is not mentioned in the game-centered method:
a. Closed Technocentric training
b. Activity based on 3 competitive situations
c. tactical and technical instructions as players play
d. Smaller courts, slower balls, to make it easier for players to play the game
8. Which of the following is not mentioned in the Game Progressive Mode of the game-centric method.
a. They enable new players to understand the tactics and its execution, while developing technical skills.
b. They refer to the factors of the sport of "open skills" and the complex kinetics of Tennis
c. Players organize the game.
d. Allow players to "serve-rally and score" at all levels of the game.
9. What are the dimensions of the orange field ???
a. Length: 18m / Width: 10, 937m / Height File: 80cm
b. Length: 23.77m / Width: 8.23m / File height: 91.4cm
c. Length: 18m / Width: 6.5-8.23m / File height: 80- 91.4cm
d. Length: 12.80m / Width: 6.5m / Height File: 80cm
10. What are the characteristics of the orange ball ???
a. 25% slower than normal ball / same size as normal ball
b. 50% slower than normal ball / same size as normal ball
c. 50% slower than normal ball / larger in size than normal ball
d. 75% slower than normal ball / same size as normal ball

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